Monday, October 5, 2020

Programming List

 Lab Test Tips and Suggestion(Maximum Case Analysis)

Number Problem
1.Prime Number
2. Conversion :i) binary to decimal ii) decimal to binary
3.Palindrome Number
4.Perfect Number
6.Fibonacci series
7. Factorial using recursion
8.Number reverse
9.Number replace between first and last position
10.GCD and LCD
11.Leap Year
12.Summation of series (different types)
13.Odd and even Number
14. Write a program that takes a five positive integer as input and find out the sum if the digits repeatedly until result is converged to a single digit.
Simple Input:
Simple Output:
Sum of digits: 29 (First Step)
Sum of digits: 11(Second Step
Sum of Digits: 2 (Final Step)
15. Sorting (marge sorting, quick sorting)
String problem Problem
1.String reverse
2.Word count from a sentence
3.Check anagram
4.String sorting (asc or desc)
i)Upper case to lower case or lower case to upper case (special position)
ii)camel case from a sentence
7.Count vowel,consonant,number,special symbol from a sentence.
8. check string s2 is superscript of string s1
Sample input :s1=x,s2=x^x
Output :Yes
9.String replace between first and last position
Array Problem
1.Find maximum,minimum and position from an integer array
2.Binary search algorithm
3. Sorting (marge sorting, quick sorting, bubble sorting)
3.Marge two integer type array and sorting(asc or desc)
1.Read a text file from particular location and show data,write and marge file.
3.Different pattern matching.
4.Check valid IP address.
5.Excel salary calculation(Logical formal like IF,concat etc).
1.Create a table and insert data using mysql
2.Query from existing table like maximum salary.
1.Mysql connection, create table using PHP and MySql.
2.Design a form using html
info(name, idno, designation and DOB)
and insert data into DB using this form.
3.Menu design using html
1.Code Block(preferable)
2. Netbeans (for java)
Reference book
Cloud IT Solution Book
Lab- (page no 448 to 451)
Program C-(page no 349 to 383)
Reference Link

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