Sunday, December 2, 2018

Most Important program list

  1. Factorial by Recursion
  2. Fibonacci by Recursion
  3. Reverse by Recursion
  4. Sum of digit by Recursion
  5. GCD by Recursion
  6. Matrix Multiplication
  7. Matrix Transpose
  8. Sum of two Matrix
  9. Insertion Sort
  10. Selection Sort
  11. Bubble Sort
  12. Binary Search
  13. Linear Search in Array
  14. Minimum value of Array
  15. Maximum value of Array
  16. Sum of Array
  17. Swap two values without using third variable
  18. Sum of two numbers
  19. Swap values of two Variables
  20. Find largest value among three variable - conditional operator
  21. Largest value among three variables
  22. Largest among 3 variables using nested if
  23. Largest value of two variables - Conditional Operator
  24. Find larger value between two variable
  25. Swap values of two variables using XOR
  26. Even Odd Number
  27. Even Odd Number series up to nth position
  28. Leap Year
  29. Sort array of 10 strings
  30. Locate a word in String - STRSTR
  31. Locate a character in String - STRCHR
  32. String Concatenation - STRCAT
  33. String Reverse - STRREV
  34. String Compare Ignore Case - STRICMP
  35. String Compare - STRCMP
  36. Toggle case of string
  37. String to lower case - STRLWR
  38. String to Upper Case - STRUPR
  39. String Length - STRLEN
  40. Pascal Triangle
  41. Armstrong Numbers upto N
  42. Armstrong Number
  43. Compound Interest
  44. Prime Number 
  45. Fibonacci Series
  46. Sum of digits
  47. Reverse Number
  48. Power
  49. Factorial
  50. Print 1 to 10
  51. Palindrome number using for loop
  52. Palindrome number using while loop
  53. Prime number using for loop
  54. Prime Number using while loop
  55. Fibonacci series using for loop
  56. Fibonacci Series using while loop
  57. Reverse number using for loop
  58. Reverse number using while loop
  59. Sum of digits using for loop
  60. Alphabet Patterns
  61. Series Program
  62. Number Patterns
  63. Star Patterns
  64. File Copy using command line arguments
  65. File to upper case using command line arguments
  66. Count characters of file
  67. Write to text file
  68. Read text file
  69. Binary by recursion
  70. Towers of Hanoi by recursion
  71. Convert feet to meter
  72. Convert farenheit to celcius
  73. Calculate Simple Interest
  74. Convert Km to Meter, Centimeter or Millimeter

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