Friday, October 6, 2017

BDBL Senior Officer (IT) written exam question 2017

There are 10 questions with 200 full marks. 1-9 (marks: 170) are written and 10 (marks 30) is multiple choice question..
1. Discuss architecture of Java Virtual Machine JVM?
2. A program sorts an array of integer. Write down the code that tests the sorting algorithms written in the program.
3. Write a program using any programming language of your choice that reads five number from [20] keyboard and display the
Smaller, larger and the average number scanf(“%d %d %d %d %d’,&ai1,&ai2,&ai3,&ai4,&ai5)
4. Write down the name of different attack through Internet.
5. Describe the ACID property of Database.
6. What is HTML canvas? Describe the difference between SVG and Canvas.
7. What is garbage collection? Explain the difference between garbage collection in .NET 4.0 and earlier version of .NET.
8. Write an essay on “Green Banking opportunities & challenges.
9. বাংলা প্রবন্ধ তৈরী করুন : বৈশ্বিক উষ্মতা বৃদ্ধি এবং এর উপর বাংলাদেশের প্রভাব
10. 20 multiple question with 30 marks.

Agrani Banki(Senior Officer-ICT)-2017

  1. What are the difference between type-1 and type-2 hypervisor in vertualization.
  2. Define : Foreign key, Composite key, horizontal fragmentation
  3. Describe inode datastructure of linux operating system.
  4. Describe the components of a data center.
  5. Describe the working procedure of AJAX( Asynchronous JavaScript And XML)
  6. Difference betwenn method overloading and overriding in java
  7. Essay: Impact of climate change in Bangladesh
  8. রচনাঃ আধুনিক জীবনে বিজ্ঞান ও প্রযুক্তির অবদান।
  9. MCQ -20(30Marks)

Agrani Bank(Officer-ICT)-2017

  1. Write performance of no-recursive routine that has already been written using recursion.
  2. Difference between candidate Key from super key
  3. Write down the use case for withdrwaing money from ATM machine.
  4. Show the process of address translation using NAT box.
  5. What is .NET framework? Write down the components.
  6. SQL: Find the duplicate rows from the table: students(StdId,Name)
  7. What is localStorage and sessionStorage in HTML5. Describe the elements: <header>,<article>,<section>,<footer>
  8. Essay: Modern technology and Globalization
  9. ক্ষুদ্র ও মাঝারি শিল্প বিকাশে ব্যাংকিং খাতের ভুমিকা
  10. MCQ-20 (30 marks)