Saturday, August 4, 2018

Combine 3 bank solution.

Combined 3 Bank Senior Officer Exam Question 2018: ‍Solution

Combined 3 Bank Senior Officer Exam Question: SECTION-A : English Proficiency
Questions (01-05) : Fill in the blank with right option
  1. She usually _______ the baby down for sleep at this time
(a) lies
(b) lied
(c) lay
(d) lays
Answer: lays
  1. I promise to _________ you in all circumstances.
(a) stand up to
(b) stand with
(c) stand off
(d) stand by
Answer: stand with
  1. I __________ caught the bus if I had hurried.
(a) could have
(b) can have
(c) cannot have
(d) could not have
Answer: could have
  1. Voting took place peacefully __________ most of the country,
(a) across
(b) besides
(c) into
(d) for
Answer: across
  1. His name rings a ________ but I am unable to remember him
(a) toll
(b) bell
(C) cymbal
(d) chime
Answer: bell
Questions (06-10): Select the pair that best expresses a relationship similar to that expressed in the original pair:
(a) Explain : Lucid
(b) Elaborate : Sketchy
(c) Grieve: Somber
(d) Assign: Agile
Answer: Elaborate : Sketchy
(a) Metal : Silver
(b) Ore: Gold
(c) Mine : Coal
(d) None of these
Answer: Mine : Coal
(a) Sweet : Sour
(b) Stout: Weak
(c) Hook: Crook
(d) Injure: Incapacitate
Answer: Injure: Incapacitate
(a) Gouge : Engrave
(b) Snip : Mince
(c) Hew: Fell
(d) Grind : Polish
Answer: Gouge : Engrave
(a) Insightful: Hope
(b) Modest : Dignity
(c) Avaricious: Greed
(d) Skeptical: Credulity
Answer: Skeptical: Credulity
Questions (11-15). Select the word or phrase that best completes the sentence
  1. Computer has revolutionized office procedures more than any machine of modern time.
(a) has any machine
(b) any other machine
(c) other machine
(d) none of these
Answer: any other machine
12 Writing a beautiful sonnet is as much an achievement as to finish a 400-page novel.
(a) finishing
(b) it is to finish
(c) to have finished
(d) if to finish
Answer: finishing
  1. My mother takes the responsibility for running the household.
(a) moving quickly
(b) going
(c) managing
(d) none of these
Answer: managing
  1. People of diverse backgrounds now go to different places for pleasure, business or education.
(a) distinctive
(b) isolated
(c) distant
(d) different
Answer: different
  1. Organizing some extra-curricula activities has occupied a lot of my time recently
(a) taken in
(b) taken up
(c) taken over
(d) taken after
Answer: taken up
Questions (16-20): Choose the correct spelling from the given options
(a) Transeint
(b) Transient
(c) Trancient
(d) Transent
Answer: Transient
(a) Collosal
(b) Collossal
(c) Colosal
(d) Colossal
Answer: Colossal
(a) Presinct
(b) Precinct
(c) Pricinet
(d) Prescint
Answer: Precinct
(a) Faxsimile
(b) Fachsimile
(c) Facsimile
(d) Factsimile
Answer: Facsimile
(a) Acquaintance
(b) Aqunintance
(c) Aquantence
(d) Aquaintence
Answer: Acquaintance

Combined 3 Bank Senior Officer Exam Question: SECTION-B : Bangla

Question (21-35): Choose the correct answer
  1. সমার্থক শব্দযোগে দ্বিরুক্তি কোনটি?
(a) ধনী-গরির
(b) টাকা-পয়সা
(c) লেন-দেন
(d) দেনা-পাওনা
Answer: টাকা-পয়সা
  1. কোনটি সঠিক সন্ধি বিচ্ছেদ?
(a) উৎ + শাস = উচ্ছাস
(b) উৎ + ডীণ = উড্ডীণ
(c) বৃহৎ + ঢাকা = বৃহড্‌ডক্কা
(d) লহ + ধ =লব্ধ
Answer: বৃহৎ + ঢাকা = বৃহড্‌ডক্কা
  1. স্বর সংগতির উদাহরণ কোনটি?
(a) দেশী > দিশী
(b) রাত্রি >রাইত
(c) হইবে> হবে
(d) কোনটিই নয়
Answer: দেশী > দিশী
  1. ‘খনার বচন কি সংক্রান্ত?
(a) কৃষি
(b) রাজনীতি
(c) ব্যবসা
(d) শিল্প
Answer: কৃষি
  1. নিচের কোন বাগধারাটি ভিন্নার্থক
(a) আদায়-কাচকলায়
(b) দা-কুমড়া
(c) রুই-কাতলা
(d) অহি-নকুল
Answer: রুই-কাতলা
  1. ‘এপিটাফ’ শব্দের অর্থ
(a) শোক কবিতা
(b) গীতিকা
(c) সমাধি-লিপি
(d) মানপত্র
Answer: সমাধি-লিপি
  1. কোনটি নিত্য সমাসের সমস্ত পl?
(a) দরপত
(b) মনমাঝি
(c) গ্রামান্তর
(d) উপনদী
Answer: গ্রামান্তর
  1. পরস্পর কাছাকাছি ধ্বনি বা বর্ণের মিলনকে বলে ?
(a) কারক
(b) প্রত্যয়
(c) সন্ধি
(d) সমাস
Answer: সন্ধি
  1. “জ্যান্ত শব্দটির প্রকৃতি-প্রত্যয় কী?
(a) জ্যান + ত
(b)জান + তচ
(c) জ + এ্যান্ত
(d) জী + অন্ত
Answer: জী + অন্ত
  1. যে যে পদে সমাস হয় তাদের প্রত্যেকটিকে কি পদ বলে?
(a) পূর্ব পদ
(b) সমস্ত পদ
(c) উত্তর পদ
(d) সমস্যামান পদ
Answer: সমস্যামান পদ
  1. কোনটি সঠিক?
(a) ভদ্রতাচিত
(b) ভদ্রতচিত
(c) ভদ্রচিত
(d) ভদ্রাচিত
Exp: সঠিক উত্তর নেই।ভদ্রোচিত হবে।
  1. সংশয়-এর বিপরীতার্থক শব্দ কোনটি?
(a) দ্বিধা
(b) নির্ভয়
(c) বিষ্ময়
(d) প্রত্যয়
Answer: প্রত্যয়
  1. ‘কাক নিদ্রা- এর সঠিক অর্থ কোনটি ?
(a) কপট চিন্তা
(b) অগভীর নিদ্রা
(c) পরের অনিষ্ট চিন্তা
(d) নিদ্রার ভান করা
Answer: অগভীর নিদ্রা
  1. সমার্থক শব্দযোগে দ্বিরুক্তি হয়েছে কোনটিতে?
(a) ভাল মন্দ
(b) তােড় = জোড়
(c) ধন – দৌলত
(d) আমীর – ফকির
Answer: ধন – দৌলত
  1. ‘সৌম্য” এর বিপরীত শব্দ কি
(a) অসুন্দর
(b) কুৎসিত
(c) কাপুরুষ
(d) কোনটিই নয়
Answer: কোনটিই নয়

Combined 3 Bank Senior Officer Exam Question: SECTION-C : General Mathematics

Questions (36-60) : Choose the correct answer
  1. A garden of 100 m length and 60m width has a walkway of 2 m width on every side. What is the area of the garden, in square meter, excluding the walkway?
(a) 5684
(b) 6000
(c) 5376
(d) 5123
Answer: 5376
Area of the garden excluding walkway = {(100-2×2) × (60-2×2)}= 96×56=5376m2
  1. Three angles of a triangle are in proportion 5:6:7. Then what is the difference in degrees between the biggest and the smallest angles?
(a) 10°
(b) 20°
(c) 25°
(d) 30°
Answer: 20°
Sum of 3 angles of a triangle = 180°
Sum of ratio = 5+6+7 = 18
So, the larger angle = 180° × 7/18 = 70°
And, the smaller angle = 180° × 5/18 = 50°
Difference = 70° – 50° = 20°
  1. Triangle ABC has the following vertices: A (1,0), B (5,0) and C (3.4). Which of the following is true-
(a) AB=BC
(b) CA=CB
(c) AB=AC
(d) AC<BC
Answer: CA=CB
Distance of  (x1,y1) & (x2,y2) = √{(x1 – x2)2 + (y1 – y2)2}
AB/BA = √{(1 – 5)2 + (0 – 0)2 }= √(-4)2 = √16 = 4
BC/CB = √{(5 – 3)2 + (0 – 4)2 }= √22 + 16 = √20 = 2√5
AC/CA=√{(1-3)2 + (0 – 4)2 }= √4 + 16 =√20 = 2√5
  1. If a>b>l, then which of the following is true?
(a) (a-b)<0
(b) a2<ab
(c) (b+a)>2a
(d) a2>b2
Answer: a2>b2
a = 3 & b=2
Option a) a2> b2 = (3)2> (2)2 = 9 > 4 True
Option b) a2 < ab = (3)2 < 3 x 2 =9<6 false
Option c) a – b<0= 3-2<0 = 1< 0 false
Option d) b +a > 2a = 2+3> 2 x 3 = 5 > 6 false
  1. When 6 gallons of gasoline are put into a car, the indicator goes from 1/4 to 5/8. What is the total capacity of the gasoline tank?
(a) 12
(b) 14
(c) 16
(d) 18
Answer: 16
(5/8 – ¼) = 3/8 means 6 gallons
So, Total capacity = 6×8/3 = 16 gallons
  1. A square carpet with an area of 169 cm2 must have 2 cm cut off one of its edges in order to be a perfect fit for a rectangular room. What is the area (in cm) of this rectangular room!
(a) 117
(b) 143
(C) 145
(d) 165
Answer: 143
Let, the carpet length = x
x2 = 169
x = 13
width of the room = (13-2) cm = 11 cm
area of the room = (13×11)2 = 143 cm2
  1. A box contains 12 poles and 7 pieces of net. Each piece of net weighs 0.2 gm: each pole weighs 1.1gm. The box and its contents together weigh 16.25 gm. How much does the empty box weigh?
(a) 1.2 gm
(b) 1.65 gm
(c) 2.75 gm
(d) 6.15 gm
Answer: 1.65 gm
Weight of 7 nets = (7×0.2)gm =1.4gm
Weight of 12 poles = (12×1.1)gm = 13.2gm
Total weight of net and pole = (1.4+13.2)gm = 14.6gm
Box weight is = (16.25 – 14.6) = 1.65gm
  1. If an inspector rejects 0.08% of a product as defective, how many units of the product will he examined in order to reject 2?
(a) 1500
(b) 500
(c) 2000
(d) 2500
Answer: 2500
0.08 product is rejected from = 100
So, 2 product is rejected from = (100 × 2 × 100)/8 = 2500
  1. A box is made in the form of a cube. If a second cubical box has inside dimensions three times those of the first box, how many times as much does the second box contain?
(a) 12
(b) 27
(c) 9
(d) 6
Answer: 27
one side of first cube = a
So, Volume of first cube = a3
One side of the 2nd cube = (3a)3 = 27a3
Times = 27a3 / a3  = 27
  1. The average of 6 numbers is 25. If 3 more numbers, with an average of 22 are added to these numbers, what will be the average of the combined 9 numbers?
(a) 20
(b) 24
(c) 26
(d) 32
Answer: 24
Sum of 6 numbers = (6×25) = 150.
Sum of 3 additional numbers = (3 × 22) = 66.
Sum of (6 + 3) =9 numbers = (150+66)=216
.:. average of 9 numbers = 216/9 = 24
  1. In a container, there are 2 green marbles and 2 red marbles. You randomly pick the marbles. What is the probability that both of them are green?
(a) ½
(b) 1/4
(c) 1/6
(d) 1/3
Answer: 1/6
green ball = 2
Red ball = 2
From 4 balls, possibility of 2 green = 4C2 = 6
From 2 balls, possibility of 1 green = 2C2 = 1.
From rest 2 balls, possibility of being green = 2C2=1
Possibility of 2 green = (2C2 x 2C2)/4C2= (1×1)/6= 1/6
  1. Three boys have marbles in the ratio of 19:5:3. If the boy with the least number has 9 marbles. how many marbles does the boy with the greatest number have?
(a) 57
(b) 33
(c) 27
(d) 81
Answer: 57
Smaller ratio 3 = 9
So, Smaller ratio 1 = 9/3 = 3
Highest ratio 19 = 19×3 = 57
  1. A water tank has two taps (Tap-1 and Tap-2). Tap-1 can fill a tank in 8 hours and Tap.2.can empty the tank in 16 hours. How long will they take to fill the tank if both taps are opened simultaneously but Tap-2 is closed after 8 hours?
(a) 10
(b) 12
(c) 14
(d) 16
Answer: 12
Tap-1, fills in 1 hr =  1/8
Tap-2, empties in 1 hr = 1/16
When both taps are open, the tank fills in 1 hr = (1/8 – 1/16) = 1/16
In 8 hrs, the tank fills =  1/16 ×৪ = ½
Remaining = 1 – ½ = ½
½ is filled by only Tap 1
1/8 is filled by Tap-1 in 1 hr
So, ½ is filled by = (1×8)/2= 4 hr
Total time = 8+4 = 12 hr
  1. An iron rod that weighs 24 kg is cut into two pieces so that one of these pieces weighs 16 kg and is 34 m long. If the weight of each piece is proportional to its length, how long is the other piece?
(a) 11 m
(b) 17 m
(c) 34 m
(d) 68 m
Answer: 17 m
16 kg rod = 34m
24 kg rod = (34×24)/16 = 51m
Length of the other part is = 51-34 = 17m
  1. The price of a pen is 25% more than the price of a book. The price of a pen holder is 50% more than the price of the book. How much is the price of the pen holder more than the price of the pen?
(a) 50%
(b) 25%
(c) 20%
(d) 37.5%
Answer: 20%
Let price of book = 100tk
Price of pen = 100+100×25% = 125 tk
Price of penholder = 100 + 100×50% = 150 tk
Difference is = 150 -125 = 25 tk
Percentage = (25×100)/125 = 20%
  1. A 10% monthly salary increase resulted in a Tk.9000 per year increase in salary for an employee. What was his monthly salary before the increase?
(a) Tk.7500
(b) Tk.8500
(c) Tk.5000
(d) Tk.9500
Answer: Tk. 7500
Yearly increase = 9000 tk
Monthly increase = 9000/12 = 750 tk
10% of Salary is = 750 tk
100% of Salary is = (750×100)/10 = 7500 tk
  1. The sum of principal and simple interest of a certain amount of money would be Tk.460 after 3 years from now and Tk. 500 after 5 years from now. What is the total interest rate?
(a) 5%
(b) 12%
(c) 15%
(d) 20%
Answer: 5%
(5 – 3) yr = 2 yrs interest = (500 – 460) = 40 tk
1 year interest = 40/2 = 20 tk.
3 year interest = (20 × 3) = 60 tk
Principal amount= (460 – 60) = 400 tk
Interest rate = 60/(400×3) = 0.05 = 5%
  1. The ratio between the perimeter and the breadth of a rectangular is 5:1. If the area of the rectangle is 216 cm2, what is the length of the rectangle?
(a) 16 cm
(b) 18 cm
(c) 20 cm
(d) 22 cm
Answer: 18 cm
Length and breadth of the rectangle= x, y
So, area = xy
Perimeter = 2(x+y)
2(x+y)/y = 5
Or, 2x + 2y = 5y
Or, 2x = 3y
Or, y = 2x/3
xy = 216
Or, x  ×  2x/3  = 216
Or, 2x2 = 648
Or, x2 = 324
Or, x = 18
  1. An article when sold at a gain of 5% yields Tk. 15 more than when sold at a loss of 5%. Its cost price would be
(a) Tk. 100
(b) Tk 150
(c) Tk 200
(d) Tk 250
Answer: Tk. 150
At 5% profit, selling price = 100+5=105 tk.
At 5% loss, selling price = 100-5= 95 tk.
Difference between selling price = 105-95=10 tk.
If difference 10, then cost = 100tk
If difference 1, then cost = 100/10 tk
If difference 15, then cost = (100×15)/10 tk = 150tk.
  1. If for integer x, 5<x<10 and y=x+5, what is the greatest possible value of x+y?
(a) 32
(b) 22
(c) 23
(d) 27
Answer: 23
5 < x < 10 and y =x+5
Possible value of x = 6, 7, 8, 9
When x =9,
y =9+5 = 14
x + y = 9 + 14 = 23
  1. Increasing the original price of an item by 10%, then decreasing by 20% and then again increasing the price by 10% is equivalent:
(a) 4.4% increase
(b) 3.2% decrease
(c) 3.5% decrease
(d) None of these
Answer: 3.2% decrease
Selling price = 100
After 10% increase = (100+10)=110
After 20% decrease = (110 – 20% of 110) = 88
After 10% increase = (88 + 10% of 88) = 96.8
Final decrease = (100-96.8)=3.2%
  1. The interest charged on a loan is p dollars per $1,000 for the first month and q dollars per $1000 for each month after the first month. How much interest will be charged during the first three months on a loan of $10,000?
(a) 10p+20q
(b) 30q
(C) 30p
(d) 20p+10q
Answer: 10p+20q
Interest = 1st month + 2nd month + 3rd month
= p×(10000/1000) + q×(10000/1000)  + q×(10000/1000)
=10p +10q + 10q
= 10p + 20q
  1. In a club 50% of the male voters and 80% of the female voters voted for candidate A. If candida A received 70% of the total votes, what is the ratio of male to female voters?
(a) 1/3
(b) ¾
(c) 1/4
(d) 1/2
Answer: 1/2
Male voter = x
Female voter = y
50% of x + 80% of y = 70% of (x+y)
50x/100 + 80y/100 = 70(x+y)/100
50x + 80y = 70x + 70y
80y – 70y= 70x – 50x
10y = 20x
x/y = 10/20 = ½
  1. In June a baseball team that played 60 games had won 30% of its games played. After a phenomenal winning streak this team raised its average to 50% How many games must the team have won in a row to attain this average?
(a) 30
(b) 45
(c) 20
(d) 24
Answer: 24
Let, Additional match = x
30% of 60+ x = 50% of (60+x)
Or, 18+x = 30+0.5x
Or, x = 24
  1. A rectangular fish tank 25m by 9m has water in it to a level of 2m. This water is carefully poured into a cylindrical container with a diameter of 10m. How high will the water reach in the cylindrical container?
(a) 18π
(b) 18/π
(c) π/18
(d) 9/2π
Answer: 18/π
The volume of the fish tank = 25×9×2 = 450 square inch
Let height of the cylindrical container is = h
πr2h = 450
h = 450/ πr2 = 450/π52 = 18/π

Combined 3 Bank Senior Officer Exam Question: SECTION-D : General Knowledge and Basic Computer Questions

(61-80) : Choose the correct answer
  1. The headquarter of International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) are situated at
(a) Vienna
(b) Geneva
(c) Rome
(d) Paris
Answer: Vienna
  1. Profits of a firm that are distributed or given out to its investors are called
(a) Bonds
(b) Equity
(c) Dividends
(d) None of these
Answer: Dividends
  1. Money market is a market for
(a) short-term fund
(b) long-term fund
(c) hedge fund
(d) Risk free assets
Answer: short-term fund
  1. Fathometer is used to measure
(a) Ocean depth
(b) Earthquakes
(c) Rainfall
(d) Sound intensity
Answer: Ocean depth
  1. India has largest deposits of ______ in the world.
(a) gold
(b) copper
(c) mica
(d) None of the above
Answer: mica
  1. In cricket, a run taken when the ball passes the batsman without touching his bat or body is called
(a) leg bye
(b) bye
(c) bosic
(d) drive
Answer: bye
  1. Of the various non-conventional energy sources that are being tapped, which has the largest potential?
(a) Water power
(b) Wind power
(c) Solar power
(d) Biomass power
Answer: Solar power
  1. The chief constituent of gobar (গোবর) gas is
(a) ethane
(b) methane
(C) hydrogen
(d) carbon dioxide
Answer: methane
  1. The longest mountain range in the world is
(a) The Alps
(b) The Himalayas
(c) The Andes
(d) The Rockies
Answer: The Andes
  1. The main object of which of the following UN agency is to help the underdeveloped countries in the task of raising their living standards?
(a) IMF
(c) UNDP
(d) IDA
Answer: UNDP
  1. By default, your documents print in ________ mode.
(a) Page setup
(b) Landscape
(c) Portrait
(d) Print preview
Answer: Portrait
  1. Which of these toolbars allows changing of Fonts and their sizes?
(a) Formatting
(b) Standard
(c) Print Preview
(d) None of these
Answer: Formatting
  1. All of the following are examples of real security and privacy risks EXCEPT:
(a) Viruses
(b) Spam
(c) Hackers
(d) none of them
Answer: Spam
  1. The basic unit of a worksheet into which you enter data in Excel is called a
(a) column
(b) box
(c) table
(d) cell
Answer: cell
  1. You can detect spelling and grammar errors by
(a) Press Shift + F7
(b) Press Ctrl + F7
(c) Press Alt+ F7
(d) Press F7
Answer: Press F7
  1. Verification of a login name and password is known as:
(a) configuration
(b) authentication
(C) accessibility
(d) logging in
Answer: authentication
  1. A light sensitive device that converts drawing, printed text or other images into digital form is
(a) Keyboard
(b) Plotter
(c) Scanner
(d) None of these
Answer: Scanner
78. Graphical pictures that represent an object like file, folders etc. are:
(a) Icons
(b) Desktop
(c) Task bar
(d) Windows
Answer: Icons
  1. Computer Virus is a __________ .
(a) Hardware
(b) Software
(c) Bacteria
(d) Freeware
Answer: Software
  1. Which of the followings is word processing software?
(a) Perfect
(b) Wordpad
(c) MS Word
(d) All of these
Answer: All of these

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